GEORG FISCHER CO., LTD._喬治費歇爾股份有限公司

Company Introduction

Georg Fischer – One Corporation, Three Corporation Groups

Founded in 1802 and headquartered in Switzerland Schaffhausen, Georg Fischer (+GF+, referred to as "GF") was listed at SWX Swiss Exchange. GF is an international industrial corporation which comprises three divisions: GF Piping Systems, GF Casting Solutions, and GF Machining Solutions. GF is present in 34 countries with 139 companies, 61 of them production facilities. Its 15,111 employees generated sales of CHF 3,722million in 2021.

GF Piping System - Providing you with clean water

The Piping System Group under GF is a world-renowned manufacturer of high-quality plastic piping systems. It has 150 years of experience in the production of piping system products and more than 60 years of research and development technology for plastic piping systems. It can provide more than 60,000 products. The result is a one-stop shopping service: from pipes and fittings to valves and measuring instruments and the corresponding connection technology. With a history of more than 200 years, GF continues to lead the development with innovation. From the production of the first cast iron pipe joint, the production of the first plastic pipe fitting, the first use of PB for the industrial production of plastic pipes... It can be said that GF has witnessed the world history of the development of the pipeline industry. GF piping system meets everyone's continuous requirements for various applications, and is widely used in the microelectronics industry, data centers, marine, building technology, food & beverage, energy, chemical process, water treatment, water & gas distribution, etc., whether in the world's most important semiconductor fabs, cloud data center projects or luxury cruise ship projects, all use GF piping system products.

As an expert in the global piping system industry, GF has many certifications and awards at home and abroad, including winning German iF Design Awards and German Red Dot Awards multiple times, and was ranked the Gold rating in the 2020 EcoVadis Sustainability Rating., etc. In 2020, The Wall Street Journal selected GF as one of the ten most sustainable companies in the world, ranking 9th, ahead of other Swiss companies such as Nestlé and ABB. GF has been awarded the top 100 most attractive employers in Switzerland for many times by virtue of its excellent talent training concept and brand reputation.


喬治費歇爾(Georg Fischer, 簡稱GF)成立於1802年,距今已經有200多年歷史。GF總部在瑞士沙夫豪森,是瑞士證券交易所大型上市集團,也是聯合國契約組織成員。GF著重於三大核心業務:GF管路系統、GF成型方案和GF加工方案,在液體氣體安全輸送、輕質鑄造方案以及高精度製造技術領域,GF始終是全球客戶的優選合作夥伴。作為世界知名工業集團,GF在34個國家擁有139個分支機搆,包括61個生產基地,在全球雇傭約15,111名員工,2021年營業額為37.22億瑞士法郎。

GF管路系統 — 為您提供潔淨水源
GF旗下的管路系統集團是世界知名的高品質塑膠管路系統製造商,擁有150年的管路系統產品生產經驗和60多年的塑膠管路系統產品研發技術,可提供6萬種以上的產品因而實現採購一站式服務:從管材、管件到閥門和測量儀器儀錶以及相應的連接技術。擁有200多年歷史的GF不斷以創新引領發展,從生產第一個鑄鐵管接頭、生產出第一個塑膠管件、第一個把PB 用於塑膠管路工業化生產……可以說,GF見證了世界管道行業的發展歷史。GF管路系統滿足大家不斷提出的對於各種應用的要求,被廣泛應用於微電子產業、數據中心、船舶、建築技術、餐飲、能源、化學處理、水處理、水和天然氣分配等,無論是世界最重要的半導體晶圓廠、雲端數據中心項目還是豪華遊輪專案均選用GF管路系統產品。


Business Philosophy

Our Vision
GF is a sustainability and innovation leader providing superior customer value
As a sustainability and innovation leader, we strive for profitable growth at GF. We are committed to providing superior customer value, and to investing in sustainable solutions and operations.

Our Values
In today's fast changing world top performance, teamwork, agility and a willingness to learn are the keys to success.
1. Performance is about speed and excellence;
2. Learning is about having an open mind;
3. Caring is about being part of a team

Our Purpose
Becoming better every day – since 1802
For us, for our environment and most of all: for our customers

Strategy 2025
Profitable growth through higher customer value.
The Strategy 2025 will be an evolution of the promising path of the past five years and will address profitable growth, portfolio resilience and "go for the full potential" spirit - with the following Strategic Focus Areas:
1. Drive profitable growth through intelligent and sustainable solutions
2. Increase robustness through resilient portfolio and operational excellence
3. Evolve culture towards more performance and learning

Strategy 2025 - GF Piping Systems
The leading provider of flow solutions.
As the leading flow solutions provider worldwide, we enable the safe and sustainable transport of fluids. By 2025, we will grow our high-value solutions, increase our customer proximity, and promote stronger global collaboration. What will drive us along the way: sustainability, innovation, culture, and our people – you:
Focus Area 1: Grow with high-value solutions
Focus Area 2: Increase customer proximity
Focus Area 3: Strengthen global setup and collaboration

Future Vision


1. 業績關乎速度與卓越
2. 學習關乎開放的心態
3. 員工關懷關乎團隊融入

Becoming better every day – since 1802

1. 通過智慧和可持續的解決方案推動盈利性增長
2. 通過投資組合和卓越運營,提高穩健性
3. 建設更注重績效和學習的企業文化

2025 戰略 - GF管路系統
作為全球領先的流體解決方案供應商,GF 管路系統致力於為客戶安全且可持續地輸送流體。 到 2025 年,我們將用高價值解決方案獲得增長,更加貼合客戶需求,並進一步促進全球合作。 推動我們一路前行的動力: 可持續性、創新、文化,還有作為我們員工的您:
重點領域 1: 用高價值解決方案獲得增長
重點領域 2: 更加貼合客戶需求
重點領域 3: 加強全球架構設置與合作

Welfare System




  • 年終獎金
  • 三節獎金



Piping systems made of plastics are maintenance-free, light and very durable. They thus help reduce repair and overall costs and are suitable for the transport of drinking water, abrasive and aggressive liquids, as well as gas. With more than 60,000 products, GF Piping Systems can o­ffer complete system solutions. Custom-made special parts and special series are also possible in addition. Customers benefit from perfectly matched solutions from a single source.

The product portfolio of Fittings, Valves, Pipes, Automation, Jointing technologies and Welding tools, spare parts and accessories such as Butt Fusion Machines, BCF Fusion Machines, Electrofusion Machines, Infrared (IR) Fusion Machines, Socket Fusion Machines.


GF Piping Systems supports the design and installation of state of the art plastic piping systems, so that owners and planners can concentrate on their daily business without interruption. GF Piping Systems is present every step of the way, from providing planning support on new projects to testing the condition of old systems.

Custom Product Design and Prefabrication: Having your individual needs and application in focus, our customizing teams forge the solution that fits you best, developing custom-made parts to complete systems or special solutions produced in small series, individual consulting and off-site prefabrication. Through our global network of flexible locations, we offer a wide range of comprehensive solutions.

Off-site prefabrication and delivery to site:Helping speed up site work activities by prefabricating systems and standard products, including complete modules and installation sections off-site and delivering them directly to the place of use. With prefabrication workshops situated around the globe, customers not only save costs and time, but also increase their system reliability with proven and certified GF Piping Systems quality.

Engineering: Increase the efficiency of your project with the tailor-made analysis packages from GF Piping Systems and decide which offer is right for you according to your needs. You have the choice between Project Analysis and Advanced Engineering, thus always receiving the appropriate support in every phase of your project.

Condition Analysis: Integrity of a piping system is essential for owner/operators of water, gas and chemical process plants. GF Piping Systems specialists can checkup welds on the field or inspect samples in our state of the art accredited materials testing laboratory offering a 'Fit for Service' certification via microscopic analysis, visual inspections and practical testing. This attention to detail enables informed decisions throughout a project's operation.

Training: GF Piping Systems instructional courses to help you teach your customers and their installers essential knowledge for the welding of pipes and piping components, as well as an in-depth understanding of butt and electrofusion connections. With Specialized Education from GF Piping Systems, we help prevent damage before it occurs, with well-trained and qualified installers.


管道系統由塑膠製成,無需維護、輕便而耐用,因此可幫助減少維修及總體成本,適合飲用水、磨蝕性和侵蝕性液體、以及氣體的運輸。GF管路系統擁有 60,000 多種產品,能夠為客戶提供完善的整體解決方案,亦可提供定制化特殊部件和各種特製產品。客戶從單一來源即可獲得完美匹配的解決方案。產品組合包括管道、配件、閥門、自動化解決方案以及相關的連接技術和工具 (如對接焊機、BCF焊機、電熔焊機、紅外焊機、承插焊機等)。



異地預製及交付現場:通過預製系統幫助加快現場工作活動和標準產品,包括完整的模塊和異地安裝部分並將其直接交付給使用地點。 預製車間位於周圍全球,客戶不僅節省成本和時間,而且使用經過驗證和認證的 GF 提高系統可靠性管道系統質量。

工程服務: GF管路系統的訂製分析套件有助於提高專案效率,並根據您的需要確定合適的解決方案。您可以在Project Analysis和Advanced Engineering之間進行選擇,在專案的每個階段都可得到相應的支援。




GEORG FISCHER CO., LTD._喬治費歇爾股份有限公司

倉儲人員 - 台南分公司

主要職責: 依據公司規定之物料及倉儲管理相關程序,防止公司資產短缺,同時核實出貨程序確保運出貨物的正確性。 工作内容: 1. 及時完成貨物入庫作業並核實資訊無誤。 2. 配合生產團隊排程並確實依據領料單進行物料領出及發放。 3. 根據安排進行周期性或不定時物料盤點,確保帳實相符。 4. 負責倉儲優化和管理工作、清潔及日常保養。 5. 確保出貨產品與出貨單一致,並配合物流公司協助貨物出廠作業。 6. 協助直屬主管臨時交辦事項。......

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  • 1日前Update

GEORG FISCHER CO., LTD._喬治費歇爾股份有限公司

品質檢驗員 -台南分公司

主要職責: 執行台南分公司的日常品質檢查和品質檢驗操作,並協助品質主管維護ISO 9001系統、QAQC系統。 工作内容: 1. 焊接質量檢查和品質控制: - 審查焊接程序。 - 驗證焊工和焊接工藝資格。 - 驗證焊接工作是否符合安全要求。 - 制定目視檢查程序並提供無損評估。 - 協助制訂檢驗計劃並實施檢驗計劃。 2. 進料及成品的品質檢驗和品質控制: - 對進貨和成品進行品質檢驗,確保符合公司規範程序。 - 維持操作標準,並準備和維護相關記錄、文件和報告。 3. 協助品質保證暨ISO9001質量管理體系之維護: - 在外部稽核期間協助審查ISO文件並與......

  • 無管理責任
  • 積極招募中Update

GEORG FISCHER CO., LTD._喬治費歇爾股份有限公司

生產人員 - 台南分公司

我們正在尋找技術精湛、注重細節的生產人員職位候選人。 生產人員有責任遵守生產計劃,確保所有部件都正確的焊接、安裝、對齊和固定,並確保始終符合安全標準。 此外,生產人員是體力充沛的工人,具有良好的靈活性和耐力。 主要職責: 依現場主管指示並嚴格按照流程、技術、圖面規範完成焊接、組裝及產品包裝工作,協助生產部進行生產前置作業。 工作内容: 1. 協助生產前之前置作業。 2. 負責區域、設備清潔及日常保養。 3. 根據GF焊接規範及台南分公司規定之作業流程,製造符合客戶需求之產品。 4. 完成生產組長交辦分配之任務。 5. 按照客戶需求進行產品包裝。......

  • 無管理責任
  • 積極招募中Update