
華翰物產成立於 1992 年,總部設於台灣高雄,2021年10月台北辦公室正式營運。

We established in 1992, with commercial head quarter in Singapore and across our global operations, we are committed to working in ways that are true to Our Welhunt Charter values of Sustainability, Integrity, Respect, Honesty, and Accountability.

Today, the global commodity trading is central core of our company and we are working with our modern and advance ability to lay off or take on risk. Against an environment of volatile market for many core commodities across the board from food to industrial materials, the industry is on the verge of substantial change over the coming years. The market is witnessing through eroding margins as competitive intensity, information transparency, and the capital requirements of the business all on the rise.

Welhunt has well acknowledged the market background and trend to confront any situation proactively, addressing our imperatives. We have put cost control and efficiency of our businesses on the top agenda through developments of mid to long term company strategy that include substantial investment in differentiating upstream and downstream assets in core and new geographies that allows us to control and utilize our cost efficiency management of commodities that we trade. Today we own and operate production and processing assets from agricultural to metal industries and this provides our foundation and access to trade better all related commodities in a modern and advance way.



We are committed to making a positive contribution to society. We create thousands of employments, develop skills, build basic infrastructure and procure from local producers and create society foundation.




◆ 勞健保、員工團保
◆ 員工教育訓練
◆ 年終獎金/三節禮品
◆ 員工旅遊
◆ 每月慶生茶會
◆ 下午茶
◆ 營養午餐/伙食津貼
◆ 年度健康檢查
◆ 明亮、舒適辦公環境

◆ Labor &health insurance, employee group insurance
◆ Employee training course
◆ Year-end bonus/Holiday gift
◆ Company trip
◆ Monthly birthday tea party
◆ Afternoon tea
◆ Lunch box/Meal Allowance
◆ Health examination
◆ Comfortable working environment
◆ Marriage/birth/funeral allowance
◆ Recreational activities

  • 年終獎金
  • 三節獎金
  • 員工旅遊/旅遊補助

產品 / 服務項目

1. 鋼鐵加工與貿易 Steel processing and trade
2. 礦業貿易 Mining trade





1.負責制定公司對潛在交易對手反洗錢(AML)、反恐怖融資(CFT)、制裁(Sanction)和高風險客戶(PEP、SIP、RCA)等相關監管制度和流程,並對其進行執行和監管。 2.負責規劃與執行交易對手(主要包含但不限:客戶與供應商)徵信作業及財務風險評估,並提出相應的交易風險防範措施以確保交易之安全。 3. 國家信用風險評估,確保國家曝險在公司風險胃納(Risk Appetite)之內,並提出相應的交易風險防範措施以確保交易之安全。 4.協助財務相關之流程與內控制度建立與實施。......

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  • 積極招募中更新




1. 依循ISO 14064-1執行組織型溫室氣體盤查。 2. 永續專案推行,例如年度永續報告書、TCFD……等。 3. 規劃組織內節能減碳措施與內部溝通。 4. 綠電採購與使用。 5. 內部ESG電子報。 6. 擔任內部ESG顧問,協助各部門蒐集、整理同業、標竿企業或政府ESG相關趨勢、資訊或法規要求,協助各部門建立並提升永續發展觀念,進而健全公司永續發展制度與機制。 7.與利害關係人(如銀行、客戶)溝通,回覆利害關係人對於華翰ESG發展的問題 8.本職缺隸屬華翰ESG Team。......

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  • 積極招募中更新