
Mlytics established in 2017, based in Singapore, with operational hub across Asia, including Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore. Mlytics aims to build a faster, safer and more reliable digital infrastructure with choice and control. We develop a better digital experience, with focus on 'viewers' and 'users', we build data-driven platform for faster, safer and more reliable performance and offer a total solution that can be integrated into your digital infrastructure for Video Stream & Web App.

Mlytics 成立於 2017 年, 擁有遍佈亞洲的運營中心, 包括台灣、香港和新加坡。Mlytics 的目標是建立更快、更安全和更可靠的網路底層架構並且提供彈性的選擇與控制權。我們開發了一個以'觀眾'和'用戶'為重點的數據驅動平台,以實現快速、安全和穩定的性能,適用於影音視頻和Web App環境且能夠輕易整合到任何基礎架構中的的一站式解決方案。


Six of our company core values

Laser-focus on important objectives and work on projects that will move the needle.

Proactivity and independence in decision making is highly encouraged.

[Think big]
There’s no limitation to your work. Jump out of the box and achieve your goal.

Always ask why and on a mission to experiment with the best solution.

[Dive deep]
Be the expert analyze everything scientifically. Granularity is your motto.

We strive to do what’s right for our customers


We truly believe "collaboration", "innovation", and "communication" are the key to drive employee and company success, and maintaining a fun culture and a healthy work environment for everyone is always our top priority.

Ready to become the next big thing? Come join us today. #teammlytics

Mlytics 是個由擁有各式各樣背景與經驗、不畏懼提出問題的專家所組成的多元團隊。你可以跟最聰明的人一起開發產品、跟最有創意的人討論設計、跟最會分析的人分析數據、或是跟最會跳脫框架思考的人想行銷方針。

我們打從心底相信「協作」(collaboration)、「創新」(innovation)、與「溝通」(communication) 是每位員工與團隊成功的關鍵,維持有趣的文化與健康的工作環境對我們來說是非常重要的。



◆ 第一年享有14天假期, 每年往上增加! (好好計畫旅行)
◆ 14天帶薪病假 (生病了就好好休息)
◆ 三節禮金與禮品 (過節小確幸)
◆ 彈性的上下班時間 (配合你的作息)

◆ 零食點心/高級咖啡/飲料 無限量供應 (小心不要吃太胖)
◆ 定期供應下午茶與大份量健康水果盤(好像真的會吃太胖)
◆ 公司提供娛樂室各種 桌遊/PS4/Switch/飛鏢機/彈珠台/籃球機/OSIM按摩椅 (應有盡有)
◆ 每季Employee Wellness補助 (可以補貼健身房會費, 保健食品, 按摩, 身心調養課程,旅遊.etc)
◆ 每季部門活動基金規畫吃喝玩樂 (有得玩又有得吃何樂不為?)

◆ 遠距離的通勤津貼與搬家津貼 (不用擔心住太遠)
◆ 免費定期健康檢查 (公司比你還注重你的健康)

◆ 人均配筆電, 技術人員配Mac
◆ 完善的定期績效考核 (你的付出公司看得見)

◆ 健康良好的團隊協作與互助文化 (充滿年輕活力不死板)
◆ 老闆開明, 懂技術, 也尊重公司每一位成員 (是員工說的唷!)
◆ 無階級、無官僚文化;團隊所有人皆同等 (One for all, all for one!)
◆ 多元文化, 上班也能跟來自不同國家的人互動學習提升多種語言口說能力 (根本免費語文教室)

期待有機會邀請您一同加入我們歡樂的小村莊 :))

  • 年終獎金
  • 三節獎金
  • 薪資優於同業
  • 員工旅遊/旅遊補助
  • 彈性時間
  • 績效獎金
  • 團體保險
  • 健康檢查


Mlytics 摩速科技

短期SDK開發工程師 (3個月) / Senior. Software Engineer (Mobile SDK). Contract from 3 month

【Role Overview】: Mlytics is seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior Software Engineer (Mobile SDK) to join our dynamic team. We are a multi-CDN solution company dedicated to help businesses to offer a seamless video streaming experience. As a Senior Software Engineer (Mobile SDK), you will ......

  • 無管理責任
  • 積極招募中更新